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Chocolate Doom β

Building Chocolate Doom on OpenBSD

Chocolate Doom on OpenBSD

These are the build instructions for OpenBSD.



In order to compile Chocolate Doom, you will need the following (see [1] for installing packages on OpenBSD):

  • X.Org/Xenocara, if you do not have it please see [2] and install the x*.tgz file sets.
  • Base compiling environment (gcc must be installed), if you do not have it see [3] and install the comp??.tgz file set.
  • autoconf - There are multiple versions available, this guide was specifically tested with autoconf-2.61p1.
  • automake - There are multiple versions available, this guide was specifically tested with automake-1.9.6p1.
  • SDL - you must have installed at least sdl (theres two flavors, -esd and -sun, I don't think it'd make a difference but for reference, I have -sun installed), sdl-mixer, and sdl-net.
    • For Chocolate Doom V3 onwards, you need sdl2, sdl2-mixer, sdl2-net instead.
  • Git - only if you need to compile the latest and greatest source code.

Compiling the source code from official releaseEdit

Download the latest source code release from the Downloads page and extract it with tar xzf chocolate-doom-x.y.z.tar.gz

cd chocolate-doom-1.2.1
./configure --mandir=/usr/local/man
  # The option here allows you to view the manual pages on OpenBSD with man(1)
sudo make install


  For a good introductory guide to the Doom source code, check out the Doom Game Engine Black Book!

Compiling the source code from GitEdit

Fetching the source code via GitEdit

git clone


Unlike most Linux systems, OpenBSD does not have AUTOMAKE_VERSION or AUTOCONF_VERSION automatically set (as it does not include autoconf or automake in the base system anyhow). These will need to be set first.

export AUTOMAKE_VERSION=1.9 # Change to your native automake version
export AUTOCONF_VERSION=2.61 # Change to your native autoconf version
./ --mandir=/usr/local/man
  # If you would like to install to any directory than /usr/local, add --prefix=/directory; change the mandir too
  # By default OpenBSD does not check /usr/local/share/man, which is where it would normally install the manpage
sudo make install # Or use su, or run as root, or just `make install` if you're installing to $HOME

Also unlike most Linux systems, neither /usr/games nor /usr/local/games is set by the shell by default in OpenBSD. You can either add those paths to your $PATH automatically ($HOME/.kshrc, $HOME/.bash_profile, etc), or copy the binaries to /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin (your preference).

Ideally, you should copy your IWADs to /usr/local/share/games/doom, as that would be the (default) directory Chocolate Doom will look for the files.


If running OpenBSD 4.2 or higher, install TiMidity to play background music. Older versions of OpenBSD contain a broken sdl-mixer package which will crash Doom ports (see [4]); if you must have TiMidity installed on an older release, you can just disable the background music via chocolate-setup to enjoy a crash-free experience.