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For more information on this article, visit the WolfenDOOM (Doom) page on the Doom Wiki.

As based off the Wolfenstein 3D game series created by id Software and published by Apogee, WolfenDOOM puts you in the shoes of William B.J. Blazkowicz, who during the Second World War, finds himself deep inside of Nazi Germany's Castle Wolfenstein. Your only way out is to fight through, if you make it, you'll have something to tell your grandkids about.... If you don't, at least you'll do out in a blaze of glory!

WolfenDOOM is a collection of Wolfenstein 3D-inspired episodes for Doom II. To run them under Chocolate Doom:

  1. Download one of the WolfenDOOM WADs from the website and extract.
  2. Run with these command line arguments:
chocolate-doom -merge original.wad -deh original.deh

Substituting original with the episode you wish to run.