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Chocolate Doom β

Building Chocolate Doom on Mac OS X

Chocolate Doom running on OSX

Chocolate Doom's current releases include a Mac OS X binary, but you can also create your own build.

Xcode setupEdit

First, install Apple's Xcode development environment, which can be found here (you will need to register for the Apple site to download this). This is necessary as it includes a copy of the compiler and libraries needed to build Chocolate Doom.

Launch the *Terminal* application and type the following

xcode-select --install
  For a good introductory guide to the Doom source code, check out the Doom Game Engine Black Book!


Since the V3 release, chocpkg is the official way of building Chocolate Doom on all platforms.

Open the *Terminal* application and clone the chocpkg repository:

git clone

Then to build:

cd chocpkg
./chocpkg/chocpkg build chocolate-doom

or for the latest version from Git:

./chocpkg/chocpkg build chocolate-doom/latest